Meet Our Officers
Dave Feaga
Greg Smith
Vice President
Dawn Anderson
Janice Feaga
Dan Still
Mike Greenfield
Randy Redman
Jody Douglas
Winter League Statistician
Important Information
About Our Club
The Carroll County Gun Club, has nine traps, including a doubles and wobble trap, pattern board, covered deck, and air-conditioned club house (open during all events and practice days/nights). We are open to the public and encourage both young and old to visit and learn what Trap shooting is all about.
Trapshooting derives its name from the device which throws the clay targets into the air. Trap simulates the flight of a gamebird flushed ahead of the shooter and, in fact, in the original version of the sport, live birds were released from holes in the ground covered with silk top-hats. The first mention of trapshooting as a sport is found in a circa 1793 English publication titled "Sporting Magazine".
The practice of shooting live birds from traps was first introduced in the U.S. in 1831 by the Sportsmen's Club of Cincinnati, Ohio. Targets first replaced live birds about the time of the Civil War. Early varieties of targets, designed to duplicate a live bird, included a metal "bird" with rotary wings and fragile, feather-filled glass balls launched from traps resembling medieval catapults. In the 1880s, clay targets such as the ones used today were first developed, with George Ligowskey of Cincinnati credited with creating the first clay target and trap.
Bar none, safety is our primary goal. For your safety and the safety of others, please respect and observe our Range Rules below:
1. Eye and Ear protection is required (i.e. mandatory).
2. No loads over 3 Drams (# DE) or 1250 fps.
3. No loads containing more than 1 1/8 ounces of lead shot.
4. No lead shot size larger than #7.5 - shot size #6 or larger are prohibited.
5. All uncased guns must be open and unloaded at all times.
6. All guns must be pointed down range at all times.
7. Guns can only be loaded when shooter is set on their shooting position on the Trap field.
No Rifles and/or Pistols Permitted!
All Club Members are also authorized Club Safety Officers - please respect their request if asked to correct a safety violation. Shooters are expected to correct safety violations immediately, or they will be asked to leave.
Important Links
Heart of Maryland: www.heartofmaryland.net
ATA: www.shootata.com
Tri-State: https://sites.google.com/site/tristatetrapleague/home